I have experienced a sort of vibrancy, a sort of liveliness in objects around me. I feel, as if the whole existence is throbbing with vibrancy. It’s true that when an artist comes across a scene, he discovers it with its enchanting colours and forms. But the scene is an experience as a whole and not in parts. For me what matters more than anything else is the vibrancy of the scene. I think, this vibrancy, this liveliness is nothing but the experience of its formlessness. This experience corresponds to our experience of fragrance of flowers which surely exists but is not seen. Its richness lies not in its tangible form but in its formlessness which in spite of being present is not seen.
According to me this formlessness is the vibrancy of painting that comes into existence when the artist is completely engrossed in his work. It is the only quality that makes the painting as an inseparable part of the vibrant cosmos existing all around.
I think, my painting should become a vehicle to convey this splendid experience of vibrancy from me to the viewers of my paintings. I wish, the viewers too, should be filled with joy as they come across my paintings the way I am, when I meet the scene face to face.